Client: Single Buoy Moorings Inc.
Process: Sulphate Removal
Country: Monaco, Switzerland, Brasil.
Contract Description: Supply of membrane plant module for Sulphate Removal
Contract Date: July 2001
Contract Completion Date: December 2001
Capacity: 2 x 45,000 barrels/day
Sea Water Conversion: 75%
Sea Water Feed Quality: 35,000 mg/l (tds)
Product Water Output Quality: £ 100 mg/l sulphate
Project Description:
Turnkey supply of a sulphate removal plant for the FPSO, which will operate in the Roncador Field offshore Brazil, and is the first installation of this technology in the Brazilian oil industry.
Process Description:
Seawater is treated by a cartridge filter package prior to the membrane arrays using Dow Filmtec SR90-400 membranes.Pumps, Valves and Zeron 100 Super Duplex Piping were all provided by Weir Group companies.