Client: BP Angola (Block 18)
Process: Sulphate Removal
Country: Offshore - Angola
Contract Description: Supply of Pre-treatment System/Sulphate Removal/Deaeration System/Service Water System
Contract Date: March 2004
Contract Completion Date: April 2005
SRP Capacity: 7 x 60,570 BPD 1st Pass + 2 x 43,000 BPD 2nd Pass
Sea Water Conversion: 1st pass:75%, 2nd pass: 90%
Sea Water Feed Quality: 36,000 mg/l (tds)
Product Water Output Quality: <20 mg/l sulphate
Project Description:
The Project is for the design, supply of a seawater treatment plant sized for 415,300 BPD of low sulphate water.
Project Scope:
The Project scope consists of a multi-module arrangement comprising: Rapid Velocity Media Pre-Filtration, Guard Cartridge Filtration, Sulphate Removal Membrane System, Deaeration System and Service Water System (4,530 BPD)
Process Description:
Seawater is treated by a media filtration system prior to the 2 pass sulphate removal membrane arrays using Dow SR90-400 membranes to provide the required low sulphate flow. Oxygen is diffused from the product flow by 2 x 50% vacuum deaeration system.