Client: AGIP
Process: Sulphate Removal
Country: United Kingdom
Contract Description: Turnkey supply of membrane plant for sulphate removal
Contract Date: 1991
Contract Completion Date:1992 (Operating since 1992)
Capacity: 2 x 50,000 barrels/day
Sea Water Conversion: 75%
Sea Water Feed Quality: 35,000 mg/l (tds)
Product Water Output Quality: £ 150 mg/l sulphate
Project Description:
Turnkey supply of a 100,000 BWPD sulphate removal plant, in two 50% trains, for the Tiffany Field in the North Sea.
Membrane filtration process based on the Filmtec NF40 membrane.
Weir group provided pumps/valves/Zeron 100 SDSS piping.